It’s a No Brainer!
In addition to prep books and tutoring classes, millions of college-bound students sign up to practice for the SAT with the College-Board-Khan Academy online platform. Why is the platform the most popular and often primary choice for SAT test-takers? Simple. It offers an affordable prep option with many benefits, including real-time grading and records of official practice exams with lesson related content.
Now, there is TestPrepSHSAT Academy Pro for the digital SHSAT exam, a powerful, free prep option.
For starters, Academy Pro offers real-time grading and reporting of official SHSAT exam results that student, parents, and tutors can follow. It includes 10 years of official questions and an extensive repository of other more challenging questions. It combines math and ELA lessons with the ability to train on specific topics. Our robust data set and AI modules help us deliver unparalleled analytics. Most students respond to our feature set with words like, “Cool!” Academy Pro helps students and parents benchmark their student’s SHSAT knowledge as early as 5th or 6th grade to help them assess future tutoring needs. Academy Pro helps students and their teachers identify and improve student SHSAT weaknesses. It is cool. Academy Pro offers a breadth and depth of content that allows self starters, basically anyone willing to take exercises and review their mistakes, the opportunity to prepare for the SHSAT for free. Why wouldn’t Academy Pro be the first resource you seek for SHSAT prep?
Witness a new tutoring student learning how to get more out of the Academy Pro platform.