That is true, but try placing R at the end after QSU. “They administered a method of nasal insufflation by….”
I think you will see pretty quickly that it does not fit as a concluding sentence. That only leaves two options. T is the first follow on sentence and R immediately follows it or R is actually the first follow on sentence.
In the scrambled paragraph 3 explanation why didn’t you try R AFTER the block Q-S-U? That is one option not covered in the video.
That is true, but try placing R at the end after QSU. “They administered a method of nasal insufflation by….”
I think you will see pretty quickly that it does not fit as a concluding sentence. That only leaves two options. T is the first follow on sentence and R immediately follows it or R is actually the first follow on sentence.
In question 17, the last sentence in the Answer Explanation has the wrong letter.