Quick Drills: Math Drill Language Drill WordPrbm Drill Equation Drill ELA Course Practice Drills - Language 15 random questions No time limit 1 point for correct answers. 0 points for unanswered multiple choice questions Answered questions green.unread questions white Start Quiz! ©2018 TestPrepSHSAT.com. All Rights Reserved. TOP 10 LEADER BOARD User% Correct Answers <<123456789101112131415>> 1. Choose whether the following use of a semicolon in the sentence is correct or incorrect: Her eyes were blue, but gentle; her features of a regular proportion. A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 1 of 15 2. Choose which of the following is the correct option for the missing word below? The sun rises and I raise my hand, but did Jesus ____ from the dead?A.raiseB.roseC.rise Loading... Question 2 of 15 3. Indicate which type of phrase is used in the following sentence: The guys attacked the pile of nachos, their fingers getting the last bit of cheese off the plate. A.Absolute phraseB.Gerund phraseC.Prepositional phraseD.Infinitive phrase Loading... Question 3 of 15 4. Choose whether the following sentence is correct or has a misplaced modifier: On the way to town, she saw a cat and a dog. A.CorrectB.Misplaced Loading... Question 4 of 15 5. Indicate whether the underlined noun is correct or incorrect in the sentence below: The State rests its case.A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 5 of 15 6. Indicate if the underlined word is comparative or superlative: Muhammad Ali is the greatest boxer ever.A.ComparativeB.Superlative Loading... Question 6 of 15 7. Identify the following as a euphemism, synecdoche, or metonymy: I dreaded the talk about the birds and the bees with my parents. A.EuphemismB.SynecdocheC.Metonymy Loading... Question 7 of 15 8. Indicate whether the underlined gerund phrase is a subject, object or complement: Hanging the photos on the wall proved easier than she thought. A.SubjectB.ObjectC.Complement Loading... Question 8 of 15 9. Numerous prefixes express the meaning 'opposite'. Examples include (im, in, il, ir, un, dis, mis). Choose the correct prefix to match to the root word below: Il legitimateUnselectmatureUnselectlikeUnselectbehaveUnselectresoluteUnselectmis legitimateUnselectmatureUnselectlikeUnselectbehaveUnselectresoluteUnselectim legitimateUnselectmatureUnselectlikeUnselectbehaveUnselectresoluteUnselectdis legitimateUnselectmatureUnselectlikeUnselectbehaveUnselectresoluteUnselectir legitimateUnselectmatureUnselectlikeUnselectbehaveUnselectresoluteUnselect Loading... Question 9 of 15 10. Identify if the following underlined dependent clause is a noun clause, adjective clause or adverb clause: The cat stopped to drink some milk, though it was no longer warm.A.Noun ClauseB.Adjective ClauseC.Adverb Clause Loading... Question 10 of 15 11. Indicate whether the underlined is a sentence fragment, a complete sentence, or a run on sentence: I believe a lot of things. For example, that everyone should follow the golden rule.A.FragmentB.CompleteC.Run-on Loading... Question 11 of 15 12. Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A.When David's haircut didn't look good, he went to a new barber shop.B.David went to a new barber shop for a haircut when he realized it didn't look too good. Loading... Question 12 of 15 13. Check the following words that are spelled correctly: A.AchieveB.ReceiveC.LeisureD.Ancient Loading... Question 13 of 15 14. Choose the best meaning for the following prefixes (a group of letters added to the beginning of a word): un, in, il, im, ir, dis, nonA.Negative, not , oppositeB.Reverse, back, againC.Wrong, under, lowly, too muchD.Very big, very small, extreme Loading... Question 14 of 15 15. Choose whether the following use of a semicolon in the sentence is correct or incorrect: John ran the race; Henri was training in the gym. A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 15 of 15 Loading...