Quick Drills: Math Drill Language Drill WordPrbm Drill Equation Drill ELA Course Practice Drills - Language 15 random questions No time limit 1 point for correct answers. 0 points for unanswered multiple choice questions Answered questions green.unread questions white Start Quiz! ©2018 TestPrepSHSAT.com. All Rights Reserved. TOP 10 LEADER BOARD User% Correct Answers <<123456789101112131415>> 1. Indicate if the following sentence makes correct or incorrect use of commas: Maria, though she was excited, wanted to be somewhere else. A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 1 of 15 2. Indicate which type of phrase is used in the following sentence: He cannot tear his eyes off her.A.Noun phraseB.Gerund phraseC.Prepositional phraseD.Infinitive phrase Loading... Question 2 of 15 3. Identify if the following underlined dependent clause is a noun clause, adjective clause or adverb clause: The cat stopped to drink some milk, though it was no longer warm.A.Noun ClauseB.Adjective ClauseC.Adverb Clause Loading... Question 3 of 15 4. Indicate if the subject-verb agreement is correct or incorrect in the following sentence: The very scary guys has destroyed the place.A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 4 of 15 5. Indicate if the following sentence makes correct or incorrect use of commas: Not only does the boy need to travel west, but he also needs to bring his computer to school. A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 5 of 15 6. Indicate which of the following is an infinitive: A.David walking the full distance...B.To run is to get healthy.C.I have run the race.D.The running horse is fast.E.She has asked already. Loading... Question 6 of 15 7. Identify the following as a paradox, equivocation, irony or oxymoron: I would prefer a smart idiot over dumb genius any day of the week. A.ParadoxB.EquivocationC.IronyD.Oxymoron Loading... Question 7 of 15 8. Indicate if the subject-verb agreement is correct or incorrect in the following sentence: The news are currently on.A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 8 of 15 9. Indicate whether the underlined noun is correct or incorrect in the sentence below: I currently reside in Brooklyn where I have plans to attend Brooklyn Tech for high school.A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 9 of 15 10. Meaning is oftentimes inferred from the context of the story. Read the following and infer the best conclusion(s) below: Guests at your dinner party finished all the wine and beer, but there was a lot of food left over. A.The guests were too drunk to eat.B.The guests always prefer alcoholic drinks to food.C.The food was not terribly appetizing.D.You bought too much food. Loading... Question 10 of 15 11. Indicate whether the underlined gerund phrase is a subject, object or complement: Hanging the photos on the wall proved easier than she thought. A.SubjectB.ObjectC.Complement Loading... Question 11 of 15 12. Indicate if the underlined word is a comparative or superlative: Vacationing is a happier, more exciting way to spend time.A.ComparativeB.Superlative Loading... Question 12 of 15 13. Indicate if the following sentence makes correct or incorrect use of commas: Jonathan purchased a glove, a baseball and a hat. A.CorrectB.Incorrect Loading... Question 13 of 15 14. Indicate whether the following is a sentence fragment, a complete sentence, or a run on sentence: My favorite type of pizza is Hawaiian it is very tasty.A.FragmentB.CompleteC.Run-on Loading... Question 14 of 15 15. Dale wrote his lab report and began with the following: Eureka! Is this an acceptable use of an exclamation mark?A.YesB.No Loading... Question 15 of 15 Loading...